
  • I want to acknowledge the helpful and great service I have received from your company while I was receiving administrative services over the past year. You have been great to work with through this transition and I did want to say thank you.

    David W., Participant
  • It is my intention to continue the use of Chard Snyder’s services. My staff has positive comments about working with your company and we’ve received no complaints from our employees. I am pleased that enrollment continues to increase as well.

    Linda W., Finance Director / Municipal Clerk
  • Chard Snyder was a pleasure to talk with and even called me right back when they couldn’t answer a question I had while on the phone. Great customer service! I am excited to have Chard Snyder as the new Flex provider.

    Arlene V., Participant
  • Thank you so much for expediting my card so that my daughter could get her oral surgery today. Your personal attention and helping me in communicating the information to the oral surgeon so that it could proceed. If Chard Snyder ever wants a reference, written or verbal, I would be happy to give you one. Thank you again.

    James W., Manager, Public School System